Well mine wasn't (MirageUI), so I grabbed the new StoneruneUI that was updated for the expansion and ripped out stuff I didn't like and put stuff back in that I got used to.
Main HUD viewWearGui/ InventoryI also added the raid config scripts I made that will quickly setup your UI with preset values, mainly for raids, taking killshots or taking screenshots/movies.
here. Make a backup copy of your Customized folder somewhere, then just extract the ZIP to your Age of Conan\ folder.
P.S. the big Minimap HUD is a bit off in this screenshot, but I fixed it for my res (1920x1200). Might be off for smaller or bigger resolutions.
Modifications:- Viper Casting Bars
- Swatch Combo Indicators (1,2,3,Q and E, instead of the directional arrow images)
- MirageUI Pet and Group HUD
- MirageUI H/V Floating Shortcut Bars
- Bigger Minimap
- Darker inventory weargui
- Changed most of the Hyborian fonts with Verdana ones
- modified Mouse cursors (only works with AoCQS and the custom mousepointer plugin)