I know its hard and boring to wipe many times again and again but this is the only way we can proceed... I know everyone think they know the best way to use their main chars but believe me when you enter BRC you learn about real hard raiding and you will also learn completely how to use your chars too , because BRC is completely different and difficuilt than T1 bosses. so please everyone try to be patient and try to learn the best way to use about chars (if need change built - search about best..... built from net) . You also need to know your raid members abilities because the only way to succeed in BRC is play as "WHOLE GORUP". Sooner or later everyone will get their t1,t2 gears and BRC bosses will be dead , we just need to try more and more....
1- Just Raid leader will talk in ventrilo while in fight *others will listen
2- Members will do exactly the same "what is leader tactic"
those 2 are my main advices (raid leader must listen good advices if the advicer is really know what to do
Good Luck for all of us
Cya everyone in game