Author Topic: Miley  (Read 79043 times)

Offline Bruno

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« on: February 09, 2011, 10:17:24 »
This definately goes into funny stuff :)

Mileys app on SolidLine:

01. Character Name (Main): Miley
02. Character Class and level (Main): Ranger - 80 (PVP lvl 3)
03. Your approximate date of birth: 17.01.1983
04. Where do you come from: Switzerland
05. Time Zone: GMT +1
06. Do you have any alts? If so list them here: Suleika - HoX - 80

07. Tell us something about yourself (as a person):

Im a 28 years old dude that loves PC and Video Games since like too long perhaps, when i dont play video games i like to follow various celebreties and what they are up to, i also have moderated several Celebrity-forums for years and currently i volunteer as Global Moderator and Event-Reporter (with a few exclusive Member-advantages and a slight paycheck though) for Miley Cyrus official online Fan-Club

Besides that i have shiftwork at one of Switzerland's biggest event management companys named GoodNews - they organize for example the concerts with the big stars in our Country - at least those that are willing to come to tiny Switzerland :p - i work for their Cattering service, so im responsible for that the Stars don't get too hungry or thirsty whenever im on duty - The list of Stars i yet gave Sandwiches and drinks to includes: Bryan Adams, Gwen Stefani, Simple Plan, Rod Stewart, Britney Spears, Ke$ha, Kelly Clarkson, SnoopDog and a few more - Katy Perry is coming soon in the middle of February also, but no idea if i will have shift then - depends on if i get the "Call of Duty" or not.

08. What is your preferred play style (Rpg, solo, PvP, PvE, party leader, follower, spontaneous etc): General PVE (such as Group instances) and Raids mixed with a good and casual laugh and hanging out with Guildies and friends.
09. Do you plan to be a regular active raider, or do you envision a more relaxed playing style as a casual member? I can be both.

10. We raid Tier 3 progression 3 times a week from 19.30 until 23.00 (CET), on Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday and with more relaxed and alt friendly raid on Wednesday.
How many of those raids will you be able to attend?

Thursdays might be a bit of struggle as im often crowded with work then and not sure if i will be online or not after a certain time, i also go out on thursdays with friends too for a drink and stuff every 2nd week - other than that im fully able to attend all events and if something changes i will surely tell you in advance so u don't have to wait for nothing.

11. Do you have any raid experience? If so, please state what bosses you have defeated before? You name the Boss and i add him to the "Killed-list" everything from T1 up to the entire Thoth Amon's Pussyh... oh sorry, Stronghold is on complete farm - only T4 would yet provide a new Challenge for me and that i have seen in previous tryout Raids in Band of Brothers and CRO guild as well.
12. Do you accept the Code of Conduct? Yes

13. How did you hear about SolidLine ?

From Playing out and about with it's members in various instances and Friends that are already in the guild.

14. So, why Solidline? :)

After i was forced to leave both, Band of Brothers and CRO guild after more than 10 months of serving them with all i got, i must say that im currently really fed up in how these "Hardcore" guilds are ran plus how they treat their members - currently i have ENOUGH of IMBA, MOAR DPS, ME ME ME and GIEF GIEF GIEF, there was/is also too much "inner-circle elitism" in both of my previous guilds which often caused the split between Officers and more casual or social or let's say less HC oriented members - despite of giving them all i got on various fronts - be it Money, Heartblood or just dedication, as soon as you aren't of use to them anymore and they don't like you too much for a whatever reason to welcome you into their "Inner Circle" they remove you from the guild instead - it's easier than just having you, you know.

That's not right, not fair and far and foremost not what i seek so i currently aim more for a medio-core guild that is able to provide both - Good Raids but also a social and friendly atmosphere and Guildcore and i think SolidLine matches my expectations in that case. There is however no bad blood from my side on towards my previous fellows as i still have friends in both guilds and i do my best to keep it that way.

PS: If you are already crowded with Rangers when it comes to Raids etc. that would be no problem for me - im full on T3 items - all Armor, weapons, capes, rings etc. - i don't need a single item anymore, so at this point even T3 Raiding is in my case just for fun - and if i don't get a spot weekly or whatever that's no problem as well - just so you know.

15. We are an english speaking guild, how is your knowledge of the english language? Yes, english fluently without any glitches in either british or american.

16. We use Ventrillo a lot, do you have it installed and are you able to at least listen? Yes, i also have a working mic if you need/want me to speak.

17. Are you following the games developments (and what do you think of it) ?

I don't really post on the official forums, (by far too much QQ there, so i try to stay out of it) but i also have a active TL-client installed and put especially attention on things that affect my main class - like upcoming changes, revamps, nerfs etc. - so yea i would say im pretty informed at this point - For what i think about it that's hard to estimate as a single thing could change the opinion about certain things every day, but i stick to the game, so no worries.

18. We raise monthly taxes from our raiders class members, is this acceptable to you? i consider myself to have an open Mind so ofc i will also haven an open wallet when it's needed, yes.

Well that wraps it up - thanks for reading and i hope to hear from you soon - Cheers.
« Last Edit: February 09, 2011, 10:38:48 by Bruno »
Snyder - Conqueror
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Offline Bruno

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Re: Miley
« Reply #1 on: February 09, 2011, 10:21:00 »
my answer:

Quote from: Miley

i had nice laught now, miley.

last raid with me before you got kicked for nubnes, lieing and overall ME!ME!ME!ME!ME! stuf:
Quote from: Snyder
Who dont have even one ring "Coil of the Cobra"?
Quote from: Miley
I dont.
Quote from: Snyder
Any other rogue dont have "Coil of the Cobra"?
Quote from: Dinub
I dont have but give to Miley if he dont have.
Quote from: Miley
Ye, its my last part.
Quote from: Snyder
Ok, ill give to Miley. (given)

Quote from: Guild Chat
Vnbirz: !yg Miley
Quote from: Guild Chat
YG module returns Miley's profile, includeing 1 "Coil of the Cobra" on right hand.

Quote from: Vnbirz
Miley, you have ring allready, why did you say you dont?
Quote from: Miley

Quote from: Snyder
Miley, why did you lie? You had one ring allready.
Quote from: Miley
Ah, i didnt understand what you asked, i thought bla bla bla, yada yada yada...

.... nothing else to say....

he was kicked day or so later after a unanimous vote.

rhaz, next time ask why he was kicked / left guild so you dont get cat in the bag like you did
Snyder - Conqueror
Konobarica - Priest Of Mitra
Unfortunate - Necromancer
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Offline Green

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Re: Miley
« Reply #2 on: February 09, 2011, 10:55:56 »
Lootwhore would be the proper nickname.   ;D

He could say in Solidline app that he geared up fully thanks to CRO guild. Does he still do Aztel Fortress?  :p
« Last Edit: February 09, 2011, 11:29:49 by Green »
I live in nub town called CRO guild
-Greendevil .:conqueror:.
-Devilingreen .:tempest of set:.
-Greeney .:hox:.
-Greendeamon .:ranger:.

Offline Bruno

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Re: Miley
« Reply #3 on: February 09, 2011, 10:56:51 »
what ill never miss is his wipeing us with impale spread

and poor guy allways gets blood draw sinse he overdps's :D
Snyder - Conqueror
Konobarica - Priest Of Mitra
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Offline Green

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Re: Miley
« Reply #4 on: February 09, 2011, 11:10:04 »
You nailed it - that was the original intention of this thread, maybe i put a bit too much into it.  ::)

Bruno told me to be careful with walls of text etc. but that's me, if i do something i do it right - it wasn't my purpose to spread any negativity or anything, i just heard some alarm bells ringing inside my head after 2 really bad Raids in a row... so yea back to kickin asses sounds good m8. ;D
Never played group instances with Miley, which is IMO the real prove of player`s worth, specially because you just can`t slack in some harder HMs as you can in raids. I want to refer to his whining post after that alt raid, coz he forgot to mention that he was the one that wiped us twice on keeper due to lame kiting and before that he died first on Louhi when we needed his range the most  :P
« Last Edit: February 10, 2011, 09:36:56 by Green »
I live in nub town called CRO guild
-Greendevil .:conqueror:.
-Devilingreen .:tempest of set:.
-Greeney .:hox:.
-Greendeamon .:ranger:.

Offline Barguzzin

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Re: Miley
« Reply #5 on: February 09, 2011, 16:26:12 »
Ok - i will try to organize my claim to Miley:
1) for 10 months - no progress at all! Person, playing the Rangers, as he said, from launch - did not know the basic features of class - and I, having by that time the Ranger level 40, had to tell him about them.
2) Inability to perform simple actions in the raid. And I'm not even talking about Hollow Knight kite - which was so complex action for him, so it caused a mandatory wipe half of the raid any time, when Miley get HK attension! But even a simple pull Maguses before Arbanus or Louhi caused him constant troubles - so we were forced to simply not charging it to him.
3) Lootwhoring and a complete lack of conscience in this. Person, playing DPS-classes and loses by dps to even guards, with indignant that the ranger`s sword from Master Gyas accrues not to him, but to one of the tanks, thanks to whoom he, in general, was able to come so far in the TAS. Permanent position of an "empty wagon" in the raid.

and - i can continue...

We was patient... we - i mean an "inner-circle elitist" officers... w8ing him to improve...
we failed - and kicked him... as for me - 9 month late, but...
« Last Edit: February 09, 2011, 16:28:49 by Barguzzin »
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Re: Miley
« Reply #6 on: February 11, 2011, 03:28:49 »
epic stuff bruno :D :D
Dinub - Ranger
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Re: Miley
« Reply #7 on: February 14, 2011, 19:21:07 »
 :). its in the game. ea