File: members.class.php
Linija: 72
Poruka: Greška kod querya!

select DISTINCT(ch.char_id), ch.server_id, ch.char_rank, ch.char_charname, ch.char_race, ch.char_class, ch.char_level, ch.user_id, ch.guild_id, g.guild_name, ch.char_feats, ch.char_img, ch.char_type, ch.char_frozen, COALESCE(k.real_name, k.member_name) as username, se.server_name, se.server_type, rc.race_name, rc.race_img, cl.class_name, cl.class_img from g_charaters as ch, smf_members as k, g_servers as se, g_races as rc, g_classes as cl, g_guilds as g where k.id_member = ch.user_id and se.server_id = ch.server_id and rc.race_id = ch.char_race and cl.class_id = ch.char_class and g.guild_id = ch.guild_id and ch.guild_id = '1' and ( (k.additionalGroups = '9' or k.additionalGroups REGEXP '^9,' or k.additionalGroups REGEXP ',9,' or k.additionalGroups REGEXP ',9$' or k.ID_GROUP = '9') or (k.additionalGroups = '13' or k.additionalGroups REGEXP '^13,' or k.additionalGroups REGEXP ',13,' or k.additionalGroups REGEXP ',13$' or k.ID_GROUP = '13') ) ORDER BY ch.char_type DESC, ch.char_charname ASC

MySQL greška: Unknown column 'k.additionalGroups' in 'WHERE'

Broj MySQL greške: 1054