View module: Roll
roll module
made by Snyder for CRO Guild on Crom server
$roll = new Roll($bot);
roll class
class Roll extends BaseActiveModule {
public $bot;
public $rollers = array();
public $rolled = array();
public $info = array();
public $last_roll_blob = '';
// is roll on (this is put to true when \roll start\ has been used and to false when \roll end has been used\)
public $roll_on = false;
// item
public $item = 'Unknown item';
// curent roll id
public $cur_id = 0;
class constructor
public function __construct(&$bot) {
parent::__construct(&$bot, get_class($this));
$this -> verify = array();
// register module (for use in custom raid module)
// register commands
$this -> register_command('all', 'roll', 'ANONYMOUS');
$this -> register_command('all', 'verify', 'ANONYMOUS');
$this -> help['description'] = 'Leader starts roll for item and then people roll';
$this -> help['command']['roll start <item>'] = "Starts roll. You need to put item for which is roll.";
$this -> help['command']['roll end'] = "Ends roll and shows result.";
$this -> help['command']['roll verify'] = "Shows the result of last roll.";
$this -> help['command']['roll me'] = 'Rolls for person that sent a tell, return result of that persons roll.';
$this -> help['command']['roll for <USER1,USER2,USER3...>'] = 'Rolls for <USERS> separated by comma ( , ).';
$this -> help['command']['roll all'] = 'Shows ALL rolls that were rolled on bot';
$this -> help['command']['verify'] = "Same as roll verify, but guests can also use this command.";
$this->help['notice'] = 'Everyone can roll and everyone can see who rolled what...';
command handler
public function command_handler($name, $msg, $origin) {
// parse the message
$com = $this->parse_com($msg, array('cmd', 'sub', 'args'));
// roll
if ($com['cmd'] == 'roll') {
// start roll (people will roll for themselves)
if ($com['sub'] == 'start') {
return $this->roll_start($name, $com['args']);
// roll for yourself
else if ($com['sub'] == 'me') {
return $this->roll_me($name);
// end roll
else if ($com['sub'] == 'end') {
return $this->roll_end($name);
// roll for some people (person1,person2,person3)
else if($com['sub'] == 'for') {
return $this->roll_for($name, $com['args']);
// show all rolls
else if ($com['sub'] == 'all') {
return $this->roll_show_all($name);
// clear all rols, ADMIN and above access level
else if ($com['sub'] == 'clear' && $this->bot->core("security")->check_access($name, "ADMIN")) {
return $this->roll_clear();
// verify roll
else if ($com['sub'] == 'verify') {
return $this->verify();
// verify roll
else if ($com['cmd'] == 'verify') {
return $this->verify();
else {
start roll (people will roll for themselves)
public function roll_start($name, $item) {
// if roll is allready on
if ($this->roll_on) {return 'Roll is allready running!';}
// if there is no item
if (empty($item)) {$item = 'Unknown item';}
$this->item = $item;
$this->cur_id++;// id of this roll
$text = 'Roll for item '.$this->item.' has started! Rollers can roll now!';
$this->roll_on = true;
// info on roll
$this->info[ $this->cur_id ] = array(
'user' => $name,
'time' => time(),
$this->rollers[ $this->cur_id ] = array();
$this->rolled[ $this->cur_id ] = array();
unset($name, $item);
return $text;
person rolls
public function roll_me($name) {
// if roll is on its ok, othrwise return
if (!$this->roll_on) {return 'There is no roll running!';}
// if person allready has rolled...
if (isset($this->rollers[ $this->cur_id ][ $name ])) {return 'No cheating please!';}
// roll itself
$b = $this->bot->core("tools")->my_rand(1, 100);
// loop so there are no 2 same rolls
while(isset($this->rolled[ $this->cur_id ][ $b ])) {$b = $this->bot->core("tools")->my_rand(1, 100);}
// add roll to array
$this->rollers[ $this->cur_id ][ $name ] = $b;
$this->rolled[ $this->cur_id ][ $b ] = $name;
return 'Yu have rolled '.$b.', wait for roll to end to see results.';
end roll
public function roll_end() {
// if there is no rolls return
if (!$this->roll_on) {return 'No rolls have started! Start a roll first!';}
// sort rolls so last one is the winner
ksort($this->rolled[ $this->cur_id ]);
// window creation
$window = "##blob_title##::: Roll verification :::##end##\n\n";
$window .= "Rolled on item: ".$this->item."\n";
$window .= "Roller: ##highlight##".$this->name."##end##\n";
$window .= "Time of roll: ##highlight##".date('H:i:s d.m.Y.', time())."##end##\n";
$window .= "-----------------\n";
foreach ($this->rolled[ $this->cur_id ] as $v => $r) {
$window .= $r.": ".$v."\n";
unset($r, $v);
$window .= "-----------------\n";
// make blob and put it into variable
$this->last_roll_blob = $this->bot->core('tools')->make_blob("Roll results", $window);
// set roll status to false
$this->roll_on = false;
// return window
return $this->last_roll_blob;
roll for somebody
public function roll_for($name, $msg) {
$msg = trim($msg);
$text = 'There is nobody to roll for!';
$this->name = $name;
// there needs to be a list of who to roll for (separated by ,)
if ($rollers = explode(',', $msg)) {
// must be more than one in array
if (count($rollers) > 1) {
$this->cur_id++;// id of this roll
// info on roll
$this->info[ $this->cur_id ] = array(
'user' => $name,
'time' => time(),
// go throught
foreach ($rollers as $r) {
$r = trim($r);
// name can contain only alfanumerical symbols
if (eregi("^([a-zA-Z0-9]+)$", $r)) {
// check that there is no 2 same names
if (!isset($this->rollers[ $this->cur_id ][ $r ])) {
$b = $this->bot->core("tools")->my_rand(1, 100);
while(isset($this->rolled[ $this->cur_id ][ $b ])) {$b = $this->bot->core("tools")->my_rand(1, 100);}
$this->rolled[ $this->cur_id ][ $b ] = $r;
$this->rollers[ $this->cur_id ][ $r ] = $b;
// sort array so winner is last
ksort($this->rolled[ $this->cur_id ]);
$window = "##blob_title##::: Roll verification :::##end##\n\n";
$window .= "Roller: ##highlight##".$this->name."##end##\n";
$window .= "Time of roll: ##highlight##".date('H:i:s d.m.Y.', time())."##end##\n";
$window .= "-----------------\n";
foreach ($this->rolled[ $this->cur_id ] as $v => $r) {
$window .= $r.": ".$v."\n";
unset($r, $v);
$window .= "-----------------\n";
// make blob and put it into variable
$this->last_roll_blob = $this->bot->core('tools')->make_blob("Roll results", $window);
// return window
return $this->last_roll_blob;
else {
$text = 'There is no point in rolling for only 1 character!';
unset($name, $msg);
return $text;
last roll
public function verify() {
// if roll is turned on
if ($this->roll_on) {return 'Roll is still running!';}
// if there is no last roll blob
else if(empty($this->last_roll_blob)) {return "No previous roll!";}
// return last roll blob
return $this->last_roll_blob;
show all rolls
public function roll_show_all($name) {
// is there any data
if (count($this->rolled) == 0) {return 'There is no rolls!';}
// header part of window
$window = "##blob_title##::: All rolls :::##end##\n\n";
$window .= "-----------------\n";
// go through ALL rolls and create window
foreach ($this->info as $id => $i) {
$window .= "-----------------\n";
$window .= "Roller: ##highlight##".$i['user']."##end##\n";
$window .= "Time of roll: ##highlight##".date('H:i:s d.m.Y.', $i['time'])."##end##\n";
// sort roller so winner is last
ksort($this->rolled[ $id ]);
foreach ($this->rolled[ $id ] as $r => $v) {
$window .= $r.": ".$v."\n";
unset($r, $v);
$window .= "-----------------\n";
unset($id, $i);
// make blob
$window = $this->bot->core('tools')->make_blob("All roll results", $window);
// return window
return $window;
očisti roll buffer
public function roll_clear() {
unset($this->rolled, $this->rollers, $this->info);
$this->rolled = $this->rollers = $this->info = array();
$this->last_roll_blob = '';
$this->cur_id = 0;
Assasinnone | |
Barbariannone | |
Bear Shamannone | |
Conquerornone | |
Dark Templarnone | |
Demonologistnone | |
Guardiannone | |
Herald of Xotlinone | |
Necromancernone | |
Priest of Mitranone | |
Rangernone | |
Tempest Of Setnone |
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